
Web SEO and Marketing | 7th May 2021

The Early Bird Gets the Worm: Why SEO Is Your New Website’s Best Friend

Ever wondered when the perfect time to start SEO for your brand-new business website is? Let’s cut to the chase: the best time is before your website even sees the light of day. It’s like the wisdom passed down from ancient Chinese teachings about tree planting: the prime time was 20 years ago, and the next best moment? Right now.

Starting SEO early is akin to giving your website a head start in the marathon of the internet. Delaying SEO is like showing up to a race without having trained; you’re already a few steps behind even before you begin. Can you imagine pouring your heart and soul (and a considerable chunk of change) into a dazzling new e-commerce site, only to realize it’s a hidden treasure map without any X marking the spot? That’s a no-go in the world of clicks, visits, and sales.

Let’s dive into the essentials of early bird SEO strategies that will ensure your website isn’t just another drop in the digital ocean.

1. Picking the Perfect Domain Name

The saga of domain names and their impact on SEO is an evolving one. Your domain isn’t just an address; it’s your first handshake with search engines and humans alike. It should whisper sweet nothings about what your website is all about. The trick? Make it memorable, make it relevant, and if the stars align, make it keyword-friendly.

Choosing a domain name is like naming a star in the sky; it should shine bright and guide your audience home. For instance, if your business is all about spinning pizza dough into delicious pies under the name “John’s Deli,” your domain name should welcome visitors, not send them on a wild goose chase with something like “the-best-pizza-ever.com.” Keep it simple, keep it memorable.

2. Weaving SEO into the Fabric of UX and Web Design

Imagine SEO, UX, and web design as the three musketeers of your website’s success. From the get-go, they should march hand in hand, influencing everything from the content on your homepage to the way visitors navigate your digital realm. To overlook SEO during the design phase is like baking a cake and then deciding to add eggs—it’s a recipe for disaster.

Picture this: you’ve just finished piecing together your website masterpiece, only to realize you’ve left SEO out in the cold. Marching back to the drawing board might feel like a defeat, but it’s a necessary step to avoid the greater loss of invisibility in search engines.

3. Crafting an SEO-friendly Website Structure

The bones of your website—its structure—can make or break your SEO success. Think of your website as a library. To help visitors find the book they’re looking for, everything needs to be categorized and easy to find. Each page should be a chapter, telling a story with carefully chosen keywords that search engines love to read.

For instance, if your website is the go-to spot for fashion-forward women, structure it so each category dances gracefully with specific keywords. Dresses, shoes, lingerie—each should have their spotlight on your website’s stage, performing for both the audience and the search engine judges.

The Takeaway

Just like you can’t turn back time to plant that tree, you can’t undo missteps in your website’s SEO journey. From the moment you start dreaming up your digital space, SEO should be your guiding star. Keep it close from day one, and watch as your website grows from a seedling into a towering tree in the vast forest of the internet.

“Plant your SEO seeds early, and watch your website bloom in the search engine sunlight.”