
Web SEO and Marketing | 7th May 2021

Why Starting SEO Before Your Website Launches Is Crucial for Success

Planning to launch a new website soon? Have you thought about your SEO strategy yet? The best time to start SEO is before your website even goes live. Just like planting a tree, the optimal time was yesterday, and the next best time is today.

Starting SEO early gives your website a head start in the competitive online landscape. Delaying SEO is like entering a race without any training; you’re already behind before you even begin. Imagine investing time and money into a stunning new e-commerce site, only to find it’s invisible to search engines. That’s a scenario you want to avoid.

Let’s explore essential early SEO strategies to ensure your website stands out in the digital crowd.

Choosing the Right Domain Name for SEO Impact

Your domain name is more than just an address; it’s your first impression on both search engines and visitors. It should be memorable, relevant, and ideally, keyword-friendly. For example, if your business is “John’s Deli,” a domain like “johnsdeli.com” is straightforward and effective. Avoid complicated or unrelated names like “the-best-pizza-ever.com.”

Integrating SEO with UX and Web Design

SEO, UX, and web design should work together from the start. They influence everything from homepage content to site navigation. Ignoring SEO during the design phase is like baking a cake without eggs—it’s bound to fail. Ensure your website is designed with SEO in mind to avoid costly redesigns later.

For instance, a well-designed website should have clear navigation, fast loading times, and mobile responsiveness. These factors not only enhance user experience but also improve your search engine rankings.

Crafting an SEO-friendly Website Structure

Your website’s structure is crucial for SEO success. Think of it as a library where everything needs to be categorized and easy to find. Each page should be optimized with relevant keywords. For example, if your site focuses on fashion, categories like “Dresses,” “Shoes,” and “Accessories” should be clearly defined and keyword-optimized.

Ensure that your website’s structure allows both users and search engines to easily navigate and understand your content. This includes using descriptive URLs, proper header tags, and a logical hierarchy.

The Takeaway

Just like you can’t turn back time to plant a tree, you can’t undo mistakes in your website’s SEO journey. From the moment you start planning your website, SEO should be a priority. Keep it in mind from day one, and watch your website grow from a seedling into a towering presence in the digital world.

“Seed your SEO strategy early, and nurture your website’s growth in the competitive digital ecosystem.”

Need help with your SEO strategy? Contact us for a consultation or explore our services to learn more about how we can help your website succeed.