
The Business of making websites | 17th November 2020

Why Your Website Needs to Be Speedy Gonzales, Not a Sloth

Ever thought about dressing your website up with all the flashy tech gizmos and gigantic pictures? You might wonder, “Do a few extra seconds of loading time really matter?” Oh, buckle up, because those seconds are more crucial than the last slice of pizza on game night.

1. The Google Spotlight

Imagine Google as the grand stage where websites perform. If your site takes forever to load, it’s like showing up late to the audition. Google spilled the beans in 2010, saying, “Hey, speed matters to us!” Then, in 2017, it doubled down: your site’s mobile speed decides whether you get front-row seats or are stuck at the back.

2. The Impatient Audience

Today’s internet surfers are like coffee lovers at a high-speed espresso bar. They expect quick service. Research shows a 2-second delay and poof, 10% of your audience vanishes. Wait another 2 seconds? Say goodbye to 25% of them. The BBC found that for every extra second, 10% more visitors bail. It’s like being at a party that’s too dull to stick around.

3. The Conversion Magic Trick

This magic trick is simple: the faster your page, the more people stick around to buy your stuff or sign up for your newsletter. Walmart waved its magic wand, sped up its site by a second, and saw a 2% increase in buyers. Mobify and AutoAnything pulled off similar feats. It’s like making more friends at a party by simply being quicker with the jokes.

4. The Boomerang Effect

If your site’s a tortoise, don’t expect many visitors to come back for round two. Roughly 75% of people won’t return if your site drags past 3 or 4 seconds to load. It’s the digital equivalent of a guest swearing off your parties because they got bored last time.

5. The Ripple in the Pond

Slow websites don’t just lose visitors today; they lose them tomorrow, next month, and next year. After 5 seconds, half your potential visitors have ghosted you. And forget about them telling their friends about you. Slow load times can nuke your site’s rep faster than a bad tweet.

6. The Mobile Wave

With everyone glued to their smartphones, your site better keep up. Back in 2014, nearly everyone in the Middle East was surfing the web on their phones. Fast forward, and over half the planet’s website traffic now comes from mobile devices. These folks aren’t just scrolling; they’re shopping with a vengeance. Make them wait, and they’ll take their credit cards elsewhere.

So, why does your website’s speed matter? It’s the difference between a sold-out show and playing to an empty house. It’s the secret sauce to not just catching your audience’s eye, but keeping it.

Don’t let your site be the one that could’ve had it all but was just too slow to get off the mark. Be the Speedy Gonzales of the web world, not the sloth that got left behind.

“Speed is not just a feature, it’s the foundation of a great user experience. Make your website fast, and watch as the world speeds to your doorstep.”


  • https://www.eweev.com/blog/3-reasons-why-your-website-speed-matters
  • https://www.bitcatcha.com/blog/6-reasons-why-website-speed-matters-how-amazon-would-lose-1-6-billion-if-it-slowed-down/
  • https://www.web-behaviour.com/3-reasons-website-speed-matters/
  • https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/performance/why-site-speed-matters/